Good Luck in finding anything, unless invented by Sleazin' Risk Sickness and his avatars as well as his bogus accounts, along with his pen name Soil-as-Pee. I know there is not just one Marie Buchanan (for the records, I became Marie Buchanan the day I married Ashley and this is my new identity since October 2004 because he was the FIRST human being loving me in my entire life) but my point is that I am attacked by this low life and I am defending my reputation. He was a lying set up for me so everything bad you hear about me goes right back to him. He was (and is) a psychopathic lying piece of dirt from the git go who is preying on men with Casino ventures and women with his homeless author pity ploy that he still intends to use, no matter how exposed he is. Ladies: watch out for his 'Everything is a Test' fucking ploy to trap you in order to destroy you because it is where 'it' gets his inspiration for everything 'it' does and this cyberpath is deadly because he stops at nothing to destroy you completely.